More Car Trip Manners

For most folks Labor Day marks the very last chance for a fun-filled family summer getaway before fall. If you hadn’t the chance to escape for a little relaxation on the sandy shores prior to this coming holiday weekend or its been a while since your last road trip, you may wish to freshen up a tad on your car manners. Most of us think we know how to act during a long countryside drive, but the truth is some of you don’t. I’m not going to point any fingers here and say it’s the kids, the poodle or the parents, but if you’ve got about 10 minutes, read over some of these tips by Angela Carr Patterson to help make your car trip pleasant. One of her suggestions is to enter the car by greeting everyone with a big smile. Sounds pretty basic and simple, but how many of you to fail to practice this one? Uh huh … just as I suspected.
