Who says train travel is dead in America?
Thanks to some swank marketing folks way up north, the Alaska Railroad has put a great spin on what might otherwise be simply a spectacular scenic ride through the 49th state.
Take, for example, the Great Alaska Beer Train which travels round-trip, Anchorage to Portage on October 7. Passengers sample six different beers during the journey, all of which have been carefully paired with various appetizers to really bring out that hops.
Or, there’s the Holiday Train in December featuring Santa Claus, the Easter Train in April, and the Blues Train this upcoming weekend.
Having already enjoyed a train ride in Alaska, I really have to point out the obvious here: the views are so spectacular the railroad shouldn’t have to resort to gimmicks to increase their number of passengers. But hey, I’m not complaining. There can never be too much of a good thing, so keep it coming!