I once took a wonderful history class on the Civil War one summer at Georgetown and came away with a deep and abiding appreciation for the historical significance of that time in our country’s past. Many of the names (battlefields, generals) are just wisps of smoke in my memory now, (OK, Abe Lincoln I’m not). But a few remain in my memory and among them the battlefield of Antietam ranges large. SO now take this historical relic of the past and pair it with something as modern and, well, goofy, as the Segway. And what do you have? Segway tours of one of our major Civil War parks.
Yes, the Park Service has eyed Segways for a while and now Antietam National Battlefield will soon roll-out rides around the park for $85. I actually like the idea a lot. I am picturing Gettysburg in my mind’s eye, however, and wondering how much better George Pickett and company might have fared if only they’d had Segways.