Vacationing in Dead Zones: Places to go where your Cell Phone won’t Work

A few days ago we posted about an article in Forbes Magazine aimed towards finding places on this planet where a person can disappear from the outside world. I’m not sure what’s going on over at Forbes these days, but their most recent article, Cellphone-free vacation spots across the USA really hints at a strong desire to get away from it all.

As the article suggest, writer Dan Frommer researches those spots in the United States where your annoying cell phone will simply stop ringing and lay there dead. Forbes partnered with a company that “makes coverage maps for wireless carriers” to track down the dead zones.

As you might suspect, many of the results are protected wildlife areas or national parks such as Yosemite and Death Valley. Or very remote areas like much of Alaska.

Forbes provides a cool little slide show detailing the 20 best of these places to visit as well as a map of America showing cell phone coverage.

Personally I think it’s a little sad that no matter where one goes in states like Hawaii, Iowa, Florida, or Illinois, there is no escaping a cell phone signal. I was also intrigued by the fact that the majority of dead zones fall in the western half of the United States. I wonder why that is?