Here we are again at another weeks end. As quirky as we are at times it seems there are still many good practical pickings out there to explore. If you need tips to arrive alive or help in a travel insurance purchase check out some of these. Oh, and if you need someone to do the sight-seeing for you we’ve found a little something in that department too.
5. Americano To Go (Away from Forbidden City):
If you plan your vacations based on the number of Starbucks locations per city, you may very well be out of luck with this particular destination.
4. Think You’re Covered? Top 10 Things Travel Insurance Might Not Foot the Bill For:
This is an excellent post everyone should read! While purchasing travel insurance for your trip to Kilimanjaro can offer some peace of mind make sure you’ve read the fine print. Surprisingly, it does not cover everything you may have previously thought.
3. Vacation Surrogate Will Vacation for You:
Um, I have to agree with many of the comments on the plug above. I don’t get it. I wouldn’t do it, but I’m sure it works for someone out and there and kudos to Sara Thacher – San Fran’s Vacation Surrogate for being clever enough to develop a way for those who can’t travel to the city. I’d rather go on my own though.
2. Airline Hackers: Inside the World of Mileage Running:
I love finding ways to increase my mileage on various airlines, however mileage running hasn’t been one of my methods. This option works well if you’ve got a flexible schedule and a burning desire to collect as many sky points as possible, but there are other easier ways. Read further to find out some tips to mileage running if you’re all packed and ready to go!
1. Six Tips to Stay Awake on Road Trips:
Driving late at night or at dusk and yes, even in the day can be tiring when on a long road trip. If having the windows rolled down with blasts of cool air hitting at your face while the Iron Maiden pumps out from the stereo doesn’t work in keeping you awake, look into some of these other helpful tips.