In the small municipality of Ruswil, Switzerland, a grassy field has been painted with a grid. This wasn’t done to test out some sort of new cultivation method, but instead as a game that pits man against beast. Each square is numbered (there are 750 of them in the field) and spectators bet on which the cow will eventually defecate into. Hopefully there’s more than one cow, because 1:750 odds isn’t that great, especially when it comes to feces bingo.
This idea isn’t new. A simple Google search of “cow chip bingo” brings up a similar event that has taken place the past four years at the Jefferson County Fair in West Virginia. Amanda Thomas was crowned the 2007 Cow Chip Bingo Queen by selecting the correct square of I-10. The fair’s website has several photos of the event, including some rare shots of a tortilla chip superhero and the post-game playing field. Mmmm….
Photo by Reuters/Sebastian Derungs [via]