Japan in New York

If you’ve been a recent fan of Mathew Firestone’s Big in Japan feature and, as a result, find yourself yearning for all things Japanese, you might want to pop on over to New York Resident Magazine and check out their Japan Without Jet-Lag article.

Mindful of the expense of actually traveling to Japan, journalist Sarah Wolff brings Japan to you–if, of course, you happen to be a New Yorker. She explores Manhattan’s East Village, a place that she claims is home, “to some of the most authentic Japanese establishments you could ever hope to find outside of Harajuku.”

She covers Japanese food, snacks, toy stores, shopping, drinks, and ramen in a rather detailed, “Best of” set-up which any Japanophile would appreciate.

Sure, it’s not actually Japan itself, but it’s the next best thing–providing you live in New York, of course.