No more feral cats at JFK

Look out, the next security threat at John F Kennedy airport in New York isn’t terrorists, no, its cats. Reuters reports that authorities at JFK have started rounding up the feral cats that have been calling the airport home (seventy of them!). Animal rights activists were naturally up in arms, and have been protesting the Port Authority headquarters.

Seems that the airport workers (and the rats) have been feeding the animals, who have in turn been running around baggage claim and attracting more animals, such as birds. And when you mix birds and flying jets, well, then you have a safety issue.

Don’t believe me? Check out this video on YouTube. Make sure you have the audio on so you can hear the pilot saying “MAYDAY”.

I have an idea. Let’s the put the activists on a flight with a compressor stall we’ll and see how bad they want to keep the kitties afterwards.