Lesser-known features of Virgin Galactic’s new spaceship

A couple weeks ago, Grant told us about the unveiling of the final designs for Virgin Galactic’s new sub-orbital spacecraft, called the SpaceShipTwo (SS2). The ship’s carrier plane, the White Knight Two (WK2) is nearly completed, and the SS2 is a little more than halfway finished, according to Virgin Galactic, the space tourism company run by bazillionaire Richard Branson.

In honor of the upcoming release of the SS2, The Onion, that last bastion of journalistic excellence, has uncovered some of the lesser-known features of Richard Branson’s new toy. Among them:

  • Souvenir space helmets that emulate the look of Richard Branson’s hair
  • Deluxe Tempur-Pedic mattresses, the space-age foam developed by NASA
  • A “What To Do If You Accidentally Get Shot Into Space” safety video

Check them all out here.

More about the new SS2 here.