Willy’s photo from San Francisco’s Chinatown, enticed me to head to Chinatown’s Web site. It’s Chinese New Year after all and I’m feeling nostalgic for things Chinese. The attractions page of the Web site has photos of the various historic buildings of significance. One, Sing Chong Building was one of the first ones built after the California earthquake of 1908 1906.
Another link leads to street signs and another to descriptions of Chinatown’s various alleys. Ross Alley, the oldest in San Francisco used to be where to go to find prostitutes and try your luck at gambling. Now you can tour the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory and see murals of every day life in Chinatown.
The thing I like about this Web site is that it presents an overview of Chinatown’s history and cultural significance in a way that seems as if when you go there, you’ll know what your are looking at. The events page lists a healthy dose of things to do through March. In case you’re thinking that the best of Chinese New Year passed this last weekend, think again. The Chinese New Year Parade is February 23. The Chinese Culture Spring Fair also happens on the same day and the day after. There’s also a Chinese New Year Treasure Hunt and a Chinese New Year Cruise. How great to have a holiday that lasts for days.