Do children on planes bother you?

I have to admit, every time I used to fly overseas I was afraid of sitting in the proximity of children. Usually I’m one of the first people to board, so after getting my electronics and reading material in order, I used to nervously watch passengers boarding, terrified that a couple with a newborn child was going to sit next to me and that the child would wail across the entire ocean.

This has happened to me more than once, and it really really sucks. But over the past few years I’ve come to terms with the frustration a bit. I try to think that couples traveling with children need to be on the road, perhaps for a family function or emergency and that they’re doing everything in their power to see to their children. Hopefully, they’re sensitive to the passengers around them and we in turn can be flexible for that.

As it turns out, I’m not the only person sensitive to screaming kids in my cabin. Our friends over at Airfarewatchdog recently posted a survey asking whether families with children should be put in a different section of the aircraft, concentrating the ruckus into one portion of the plane. Perhaps this would result in more peace for the other passengers.

Surprisingly, well over 90% of the polled readers said that they would support another cabin for families with children. That’s a pretty definitive result.

Not that something like that will ever happen. Airlines wont discriminate against families traveling with children and even if they could, it would be a political and bureaucratic nightmare to implement. But it’s in interesting idea.

Be sure to check out and vote in AFWD’s and check out the data yourself.