Virgin America launches the Revolution — Nominate your cause

In honor of their inaugural flights into Boston next month, Virgin America just kicked off the “What’s your Revolution?” campaign, a site dedicated to change, and the way that we and the airline are revolutionizing the world. They open by proclaiming:

Virgin America is the new domestic airline declaring independence from the old way of flying and giving the power back to the people. And now our revolution is coming to Boston.”

Kind of cheesy, right? But the cool part is that they’re taking submissions from people and organizations that are revolutionizing in their own ways, and by February 6th they’ll pick the top contenders to send around the world. The site continues:

Join our revolution by declaring yours. Sound off against the establishment, rail against convention and speak up for change. Share your revolution or submit a local cause and you’ll be entered for a chance to fly across the world on three different Virgin airlines.

Runners up in the voting will be invited to the launch party on the 11th, which, if any of the past launch parties are an indication, should be pretty swank.

If you’re not planning on flying to Boston or on Virgin America any time soon, at least take a chance to stroll through and vote. The top elected cause gets $25k at the end of polling.

See you in Boston.