The TSA wants you to stop wasting their time – what to know before you go

Now Winter is finally over, and Spring is (slowly) making its way to us, this can only mean one thing – in about 2 months, the airport will once again turn into a madhouse of once-a-year fliers, and families with 20 suitcases trying to make their way to the Disney express.

With inexperienced passengers, comes a lot of people who will be treated to their first encounter with whatever the TSA has changed in their rules in the past year.

Even after all these years, there are still passengers who show up at the checkpoint with full sized bottles of toiletries, knives and other items they will have to throw away.

So, one of the writers on the TSA’s own blog, “evolution of security” has compiled a list of all the things you need to know before you leave for the airport.

The site even includes video clips for those of us that don’t like lots of words.

I used to think these overviews were stupid, but after seeing how many people don’t have a clue how the checkpoint works, it really does make sense to be prepared.

If you are heading for the airport for the first time in years, please take a moment to go over the information, you’ll help the TSA, and you’ll help those of us that are just trying to get to the other side of the checkpoint as quickly as possible.