Man stopped at airport for having no fingerprints

America has rules, people. No fingerprints? No entry.

According to, a 62 year old man from Singapore was recently detained by customs officials when he attempted to enter our country without the proper credentials: his fingerprints.

The man was reportedly on a long term low dose of Capecitabine, a cancer drug which can lead to the deterioration of the skin on your fingertips and toes.

Obviously, every super-villain needs to sign up for this drug immediately. How is there not already a movie about this starring Nicholas Cage or Tom Hanks? Or Nicholas Cage and Tom Hanks? We can’t really recommend the drug for average aspiring criminals, though — every time you encounter the police, they’re gonna be like “Dude. Why don’t you have fingerprints?” and they’ll probably DNA-print you or something, and possibly put a microchip in your brain so they can track you — hot damn this would make a good movie!

Anyway … after a few hours of questioning (and probably some good head-scratching), they let the man through. They requested that from now on, he carry a letter from his doctor explaining the unprintable situation.