We’ve already been bombarded with “staycation” stories by the media, and our very own Brenda coined the phrase “yaycation“. But the newest vacation term may be one of the lamest yet.
According to European trendwatcher Adjiedj Bakas, an increasing number of people are planning their very own liecation (my term, not his).
It works like this – instead of booking a trip to somewhere nice, or even just staying home for some fun, these people are actually putting together a bunch of lies and pretending they went on vacation.
The story mentions that these people actually stay indoors all week, create fake vacation photos and even use a tanning bed to add a bit of color to back up their story.
So, next time one of your friends tells stories of an amazing vacation that sounds just a tad too good to be true, start trying to poke holes in their trip report – it could be your first encounter with a liecation!