Winter is still officially a month away, but the snow has already started to fly, and ski season is underway in a variety of locations across the U.S. With Thanksgiving nearly upon us, many skiers and snowboarders will hit the slopes for the first time this week, and many of them will be wondering where the best snow can be found. Fortunately, for them, The Adventure Life has compiled a complete list of all of the ski resorts in the U.S., offering suggestions on where to go from Alabama to Wyoming, and just about everywhere in between.
All told, there are 481 resorts on the list, ranging in size from a few snow covered hills with a rope tow, to massive mountain resorts with multiple runs and chair lifts up to places where the air is thin. The Adventure Life offers links to the website for nearly everyone of those resorts, and when ever possible, a second link to the latest snow reports from the hill as well. So, if you want to know what the current conditions are at Snowbird, in Utah, for instance, you could go to this site to find out that they currently have 17″ of powder, with more expected in the days ahead.
For ski bums across the country, this is an invaluable list, with suggestions on where to ski no matter where they are. But for some industrious soul, it will no doubt be seen as a challenge as well. How long before someone sets out to ski every one of these 481 resorts?