Everyone who travels and uses Twitter has seen how the two go together naturally. We’ve used the social media tool to get tips with locals, stay in touch with friends and let people see destinations through our own eyes (e.g., with utilities such as TweetPhoto). In some cases, travelers even use Twitter to solve problems, as @cyantist did when she needed a last-minute hotel room (fortunately, I was able to give her a hand). A new feature is set to make Twitter even more useful to travelers – every day.
Think of it as Twitter’s answer to online dating.
Part of the challenge of getting started with a service like Twitter – and getting more out of it – is finding the right people. It can take months to find the users who will inform, entertain and engage with you most. And, with 125 million (or more) users on the platform, you’ll always run into new people. The ongoing discovery is what makes Twitter fun, but if you’re into instant gratification (as I am), you want to find the right people now.
A new feature will provide recommendations on users to follow based on those you follow now, according to a report by VentureBeat:
It’s like a “PeopleRank” of sorts – a social play on Google’s original PageRank algorithm, but with humans at the center instead of web pages. Many startups and even larger companies are building variations of this for their consumer-facing products or to serve as a backbone for other services.
Twitter’s recommendations aside, may I suggest you get started the ol’ fashioned way, by following @Gadling?
[tweetphoto by @SceneByLaurie]