I often wonder if grapes in California aspire to become wine or raisins. To become wine means to be a part of the illustrious California wine country industry. To become a raisin is to follow in the footsteps on the California Raisins. Is one accomplishment more prestigious than the other? Sure, maybe some grapes just want to be grapes. That, to me, seems to be setting the bar low.
I was reminded of this debate when I saw this photo by Flickr user (and our Gadling overlord) Willy Volk. Taken at a vineyard in Healdsburg, California, it reminded me of just how much promise grapes hold. They can be dried to give us fiber or stomped to get us drunk. Grapes: Dreams waiting to be fulfilled. Or, you know, just tiny fruit.
Have a picture of fruit from your trip? Or just some great travel photos? Submit your images to Gadling’s Flickr group and we might use one for a future Photo of the Day.