REI Adventures, the travel arm of the popular outdoor gear retailer, has announced a number of new adventure travel offerings for 2011, opening up a host of new destinations and exotic locations.
The company has offered a wide variety of adventure experiences in the past, allowing travelers to trek, backpack, and cruise their way to remote corners of the globe. But new for this year are ten cycling adventures, allowing the active traveler an opportunity to see some amazing places while on the back of a bike. Amongst those trips are a 12 day journey from Saigon to Angkor Wat and a six day ride that challenges riders to conquer the slopes of the Pyrenees in France.
Other new offerings include two Alaskan cruises to go whale watching along the Eastern and Western Coves, a seven day backpacking trip through Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, and a four day bike ride through Death Valley. REI has also added a new trek through the Himalaya with a lodge to lodge hike to Mt. Everest that is about as luxurious as you can get in the Khumbu Valley.
With these new offerings, REI Adventures now has more than 140 different trips in their catalog, with adventures on each of the seven continents. As you might expect from REI, their travel philosophy is an environmentally friendly one, offering up trips that are carbon neutral. They also take sustainability very seriously, patronizing local guides, lodges, and restaurants when ever possible.
Each of these new trips is ready to book now, with plenty of departures available through 2011. It’s never too early to start thinking about your 2011 travel plans.