Word for the Travel Wise (07/23/06)

Here’s a cool festival to check out if in Malta this time of year -The Farson’s Great Beer Festival runs from July 28, 2006 – August 6, 2006 from 7:30 PM onwards in Ta’Qali Park. The event features folklore and music and is free of charge. Even if you’re not into beer sounds like a cool way to meet other traveling folk and locals as well.

Today’s word is a Maltese word used in Malta:

xorb – (sh-orp) beverage

BBC Languages Quick Fix allows one to download essential holiday phrases like this to store in your mp3 player for the big trip ahead. You can hear audio of some very basic words on their site as well. For a full run down on the history and a thorough section on survival Maltese head over to aboutmalta.com. I’m not too certain how much the survival Maltese will be needed considering the country’s other official lang happens to be English and they happen to have around 40 English learning language schools.

Past Maltese words: Fejn huma t-tojlezz?, sahha

Photo of the Day (5/19/06)

I’m not sure if it was the amazing color of the water that caught my attention, or the gangly jumping style of the kid launching himself into the air.  Nonetheless, it remains one of those shots that makes sitting at work extraordinarily painful.  Gaze deep into those blue waters and you’ll see what I mean.

Thanks to JWRALS for contributing this shot of Malta to our Gadling Flickr Pool. 

Word for the Travel Wise (05/03/06)

Last time I touched on Malta and the Maltese language I pointed you to their list of groovy gastronomic events, but this time I want to direct your attention to the country’s main event listing! Who knew so many cool things were happening in the area around this time? If I could have my way I’d be leaving everyone behind for a chance to experience the National Folk Singing Festival being held May 19-21, 2006. With the festival falling on my birthday weekend it would most certainly be a pretty grand way to celebrate my special day. Since I won’t be making it this year I encourage you all to go and without further delay I toss you this word and look away.

Today’s word is a Maltese word used in Malta:

sahha – goodbye

BBC Languages Quick Fix allows one to download essential holiday phrases like this to store in your mp3 player for the big trip ahead. You can hear audio of some very basic words on their site as well. For a full run down on the history and a thorough section on survival Maltese head over to aboutmalta.com. I’m not too certain how much the survival Maltese will be needed considering the country’s other official lang happens to be English and they happen to have around 40 English learning language schools.

Past Maltese words: Fejn huma t-tojlezz?

Word for the Travel Wise (03/09/06)

We may have missed Malta’s Invasion of the
Lobsters fest, but there’s still time to make the other gastronomic happenings in the country. Want to experience the
authentic taste of Chiang Mai while in the Mediterranean or sip some of the finest red and white wines? Head over to
their gastronomic calendar of events to stay updated on the delicious food festivals going down on the island
this spring. With that snazzy introduction being given let’s hop right into the real meat of this blurb.

Today’s word is a Maltese phrase used in Malta:

Fejn huma t-tojlezz? – Where are the toilets

This probably seems like a rather large step into a lang we haven’t explored here at
all on Gadling, but no matter how tasty the food may be let’s remember it might not agree with everyone’s belly and for
this reason, during this time it is valuable travelers to Malta tuck this information away. If all goes well the food
and wine will all be great and to relieve your regular bodily functions you’ll still want to know the handy phrase.

BBC Languages Quick Fix allows one to
download essential holiday phrases like this to store in your mp3 player for the big trip ahead. You can hear audio of
some very basic words on their site as well. For a full run down on the history and a thorough section on survival Maltese head over to aboutmalta.com. I’m not too certain how much the survival
Maltese will be needed considering the country’s other official lang happens to be English and they happen to have
around 40 English learning language