Depending on which side of the pond you hail from, you probably have a strong opinion on which Cadbury chocolate is superior. Americans live for the season when the Cadbury Creme Egg (now actually made by Hershey) is available to provide way more sugar in one sitting than is advisable, while Brits find the Yankee versions of their confectionary too sweet and consider the simple Dairy Milk bar to be perfection. Flickr user andreakw has introduced a third contender: Cadbury Australia, which offers a fairly dazzling array of flavors, from white chocolate (I personally find it an affront to chocolate, but others love it) to Turkish delight. Any Aussies want to compare their Cadbury to the American or British varieties?
Upload your chocolate or other sweet travel pix to the Gadling Flickr pool and we may use one for a future Photo of the Day.