Video: ten crazy vending machines from around the world

To most of us, the vending machine is where we get a can of Coke or a bag of Cheetos – in other parts of the world, the vending machine is a grocery store, or a discreet porn retailer. We’ve collected ten downright crazy vending machines from around the world.

Machine number 1 is a pizza vending machine – and not just crappy microwave pizza – fresh made pizza from scratch! Looks delicious.


Condos, a Bentely, a 1965 Corvette? Gold plated handcuffs? Items from $10 to $1.2 million All available using your credit card from the vending machine.

24 hour casual hot food – the Japanese really do get the best vending machines…

Largest vending machine in the world – more like an automated grocery store.

More Japanese vending options – ice cream, t-shirts, socks.

Pets from a vending machine? Of course!

The usual lineup of soda, candy, porn DVD’s and used panties

In the future, all vending machines will be operated by humans. Literally.

Medicinal marijuana vending machine? Wild Cherry on demand. You still need to show your prescription once at the window, but the rest is all handled at the vending machine.

Live crabs “could also be sold this way” – obviously something we won’t be seeing in the US any time soon.

Ryanair – to pay to pee or not to pay to pee?

Oh Ryanair, how you mock us.

Yesterday, every news source in the world (well, many of them) were abuzz with the news that Ryanair exec Michael O’Leary announced he’d be introducing coin operated bathrooms on his planes.

Normally, when an airline owner announces something on the news, you take it seriously. Apparently that is no longer possible when it comes to stuff O’Leary says.

The latest update in the “paid bathroom concept” comes from a Ryanair spokesperson who’s actual statement was:

“Maybe O’Leary was just taking the p*ss this morning. Michael makes a lot of this stuff up as he goes along and while this has been discussed internally there are no immediate plans to introduce it”.

Someone might want to keep O’Leary away from the press for the time being, before you know it, he’ll be saying something really stupid like that he wants his flight attendants giving free oral sex on his upcoming transatlantic flights.

Check out these stories of booze gone bad in the skies