Wow, that’s an amazing thing to do. I’m really impressed. Have you contacted Oprah? If not, I will! So…any advice for flight attendants?A small amount of effort can really brighten someones day.
So true. How many hours have you flown this month? Scheduled for 153 trips.
I can’t even imagine flying 153 trips. That’s crazy. You must be exhausted! Last flight? Friday night flight from SFO to LAS. It was CRAZY! Friday night + full flight + Flight to Vegas + 2 hour delay (drinking time) = Crazy party flight.
Homeless? WHAT? Details, please! I was renting a house that went into foreclosure. Moved out at end of March, but haven’t moved in anywhere. I have been flying a lot more, and getting hotel rooms when I’m off. All of my clothes are in my car, everything else was sold or given away. I have no idea what my next move is, not sure I want to commit to living in Vegas for another year.
That’s terrible. If there’s one thing about flight attendants I know, it’s that we’re survivors. Honestly, I think big things are about to happen to you, so maybe it’s a good thing you’re not too settled. That way you’ll be able to pick up and move quickly if need be. That said, I do hope things get better – soon! Best layover city? Pittsburgh and Seattle for activities, ABQ for the food.
Regular Route? No such thing.
Dream Trip? Any flight where a beautiful woman flirts with me.
Too funny! You’re so handsome I’m sure women flirt with you all the time. In fact, my mom keeps talking about how cute you are, and she’s not easy to impress. Nightmare Trip? A full, short flight. You are rushing from the time the doors close, and that’s the time where everyone has special requests!
What exactly is in your rollaboard? Extra uniforms, jeans, workout clothes, laptop, exercise bands in case the hotel gym sucks, and emergency tuna & oatmeal.
I’ve been meaning to learn how to use my exercise bands and you’ve just motivated me to do so. Not that there’s any time on those short layovers. Any packing tips/tricks? I can use some…do you have any?
Well…I always tell everyone to roll their clothes, even though I never do it myself because I don’t really carry that much. When I went to Italy for 10 days all I brought along with me was a tote bag and a rollaboard, so of course I rolled my clothes and I was surprised to see just how much I could get in my bag, so it does help. Also, pack light. Worst Airport? Kansas City – All the food is outside of security
I hate that. A flight attendant has to eat! Favorite Airport restaurant? Paradise Bakery in Denver/Phoenix. Best sandwiches EVER.
I’ll have to check that place out. Favorite in-flight announcement? The opening announcement. If I rap it, I love the looks on the passengers faces.
I’d love to see how they react, especially now that you’re so well known. Most annoying passenger question? “What’s that? (pointing out window)”. It’s funny to me because they think I carry a GPS on me or something.
Okay…so…I’m going to ask because I always ask…ever hook up with a pilot? No
Flight attendant? Once, but it wasn’t on a trip so I don’t really count it.
How about a passenger? Once the flight is over, they are no longer passengers, so…no.
Favorite vacation spot and why?I haven’t done too many vacations, but I vow to change that this year.
You better! Flight attendant pet peeve? Passengers who tap me to get my attention.
Now finish the following sentences:
I can’t fly without my…laptop.
On my last flight…I made the passengers feel better about the two hour delay by rapping.
Once a passenger…. tried to kiss me in the galley. It was the only time I wished I wasn’t a flight attendant.
Once a pilot…bought me lunch, then accepted a high five as payment. Why doesn’t that work on the ground?
Once a flight attendant...took her shoes off in the shuttle van and put her feet in the seat right next to me. Ewww….
Why do passengers…think we don’t mean THEM when we say “turn your phones off”?
If I could be anywhere in the world, I’d …Go to Japan. I lived there for 6 months at the age of three, and barely remember anything!
Any advice for travelers? The bin sizes have not changed, so why do your bags keep getting fatter?
Next flight? I’m on reserve this month, so I won’t know until the day of.