Gadling Take FIVE – August 16- August 23

If you kept up with Gadling this week, you’ve probably gathered some tips to help you plan your next trip whether you’re looking for the practical or the extravagant. For example,

  1. Aaron says that almonds make perfect travel snacks, something he knew about even before he read about it at the Happiness Project website that recently offered up vacation tips.
  2. Jerry found out from Mark Jolly, editor of globorati, that train travel is one way to go to travel green, and that train travel is having a comeback. There are other travel tidbits besides. If you missed this post, check it out.
  3. Scott pointed us towards a High Sierra luggage deal at
  4. Meg told us how to have the ultimate diamond and jewelry shopping experience in Manhattan
  5. And Anna pointed us towards environmentally friendly cities for a vacation. It may surprise you that Bangkok is on the list. It has a well-deserved spot.

Have a great weekend and enjoy watching the rest of the Olympics. I’m loving learning more about China from all of the side stories.

GADLING TAKE 5: Week of 2-22-2008

The weather here in Seward has been so terrible it’s a wonder I ever left the house. I should’ve churned out more than 100 posts with all the indoor-activity-inducing weather, but since we still don’t have all our daylight back I’ve been feeling a bit slushy and gray — a lot like our weather. And, I’m modeling myself after other famous freelance-writers. Thankfully, the rest of the Gadling group has been on it, and here’s what they brought you this week:

That’s all. I hope your weather is fabulous this weekend. As for me, I’m going to think snow.