Photo of the Day (12.20.08)

I have a confession to make. I’ve been surfing my brains out lately, but as long as I’m working hard, I can play hard, right? The other day, I was surfing at Lighthouse, a shortboarding break by Diamond Head, on the south shore of Oahu, and it was one of those epic days when the wind was none and the waves were perfect peaks rolling in from the open ocean. About an hour into the session, it started to rain. I turned to my friend and told him, “I love it when it rains like this. The water looks like snakes.”

And here is the perfect “snake” of a groundswell. This awesome capture comes to us from localsurfer, who make North Devon, UK, his home. I love hardcore surfers like him who, rain or shine, snow or sleet, cold or freezing, can be found in the water living it up or on shore shooting these fabulous photos.

If you have some great travel shots you’d like to share, be sure to upload them to the Gadling pool on Flickr. We might just pick one as our Photo of the Day!