Explorer hopes to visit “three poles” in one year

Polar explorer Eric Larsen has just begun an epic adventure that will literally take him to the ends of the Earth over the course of the next year. Eric has set out on his Save The Poles Expedition, in which he plans to travel to the “three poles” within one calendar year. Those poles include the North and South of course, but also the summit of Everest, which is often referred to as the third pole in adventure circles.

The purpose behind Eric’s Save The Poles campaign is to promote the use of alternative, clean energy sources as a method to reduce our carbon emissions. The environments in which he’ll be traveling are fragile ones, and they are all being dramatically effected by global climate change in some profound ways. Larsen hopes that during his year-long journey he’ll be able to collect data that helps demonstrate just how these places are changing.

The expedition officially got underway this week, when Eric, and two companions, set out from Patriot Hills in Antarctica for the South Pole. This will be the first leg of his journey, which is expected to take roughly 40 days, covering approximately 500 miles on skis. In the spring, he’ll turn his sights north, and go after his second goal, the North Pole, which is another major arctic undertaking, but one that will be quite different from his Antarctic travels in some significant ways. Finally, next fall, he’ll make his bid for the summit of Everest, during the post-monsoon climbing season, hoping to reach the summit of the highest mountain on Earth.

You can join Eric on his expedition by following along on his blog, where he has already made several audio dispatches from Antarctica, and he’ll be keeping us abreast of his progress at every stage of the adventure.

Barneo Ice Station Opens

In another spring tradition, the Barneo Ice Station has opened for another season, providing the gateway for adventure travelers and explorers to make a “last degree” journey to the geographic North Pole from the Russian side of the ice.

The ice station sits roughly 60 miles from the Pole at 89º N. Latitude, and each year it has to be rebuilt thanks to the shifting ice flows at the top of the world. The process begins with two Russian built Hind helicopters scouting the region for relatively flat, smooth surfaces on the ice. Once the location is selected, the first supplies, along with a team of engineers, hits the area to go to work creating a runway. Once that runway is finished, large supply planes can land on the surface, and a full blown camp, including a Russian post office, is established.

Shortly after the camp is officially opened, visitors begin to arrive. Some are polar tourists who will make an expedition to the North Pole on skis, while others are scientists and environmentalist that come to study the area, and the effects of climate change on the health of the ice, as well as the creatures that live there.

Generally the station closes down at the end of April or early May at the latest. It is just there long enough to support the teams, and then everything is packed back on to the supply planes and shipped off for another year, when the process will begin again. But for a few short weeks each spring, it becomes a hub of arctic adventure.

Plane Answers: Route planning, shunning reverse-thrust and side-sticks

Welcome to Gadling’s feature, Plane Answers, where our resident airline pilot, Kent Wien, answers your questions about everything from takeoff to touchdown and beyond. Have a question of your own? Ask away!

Vivian asks:

Hi Kent,

I enjoy your column very much and I have a pretty basic question. How exactly is a route for a particular flight planned? I recently flew ORD-DEL and we went to the North Pole and then due south through Asia. Wouldn’t a route through the Atlantic and over the middle east be a more direct route?

Believe it or not, flying from Chicago to Delhi will normally take you very close to the North Pole. Imagine using a piece of yarn over a globe to trace the route.

But an easier method is to go to this site and put in the three-letter codes yourself to see the great circle route depicted. Here’s the ORD-DEL example:

These routes, which are often made up of waypoints every few hundred miles, change every day to take advantage of the winds. Our dispatchers look at the shortest “wind distance” which they will usually use, subject to ATC approval. To fly over the pole, crews have to have special training and the airline has to be approved for this kind of flying.

These flight plans are filed with the FAA a few hours before the departure, so it is possible for the winds or weather to change the eventual route of flight.
Alex asks:

Hi Kent,

I was on a 757 about a year ago and I noticed that when we landed at our destination the thrust reversers weren’t used. I asked for a seat close to an engine because I like to see the thrust reversers deploy but it didn’t happen that day.

I thought that maybe there was something wrong with an engine but the flight crew didn’t mention anything so I lingered around the gate to see if a maintenance truck would pull up to the plane but that didn’t happen either.

Someone told me that maybe it had something to do with noise abatement, but it was about 5 or 6pm.

Can you think of any other reason why the thrust reversers may not have been used?

Hi Alex,

Great question.

There are a few airports–Manchester, England comes to mind–that restrict the use of thrust reversers early in the morning or late at night.

But I suspect that wasn’t the case on your flight. I’ll let you in on a little secret.

Occasionally, if a pilot touches down early enough on the runway and the point at which we plan to exit is a ways down field, we’ll consider NOT using any reverse thrust. Usually, however, we’ll do this by opening the reverser blocker doors, but not adding thrust to stop the aircraft.

Why, you ask?

Because we’re vain. Passengers tend to think it was a smoother landing if we avoid following up a nice touchdown with the noise and shake associated with the reverse thrust.

So there you go. Vanity!

Marius asks:

Does it take a lot of force to advance the throttles and yoke or can you hardly feel them at all?

And would you prefer a sidestick to yoke?

The throttles on the 767 are rather stiff. Most of the other Boeing aircraft have throttles that move back and forth rather smoothly, with little or no resistance.

Each airplane has a different ‘feel’ on the yoke (control wheel). Some are rather heavy, like the 757, and some are light, such as the A300.

The A320 and later Airbuses have a side-mounted stick. I can’t tell you what it’s like to fly this type of stick, since I’ve only flown Boeings and the MD-80, but I really would like to give it a try.

One interesting thing about the Airbus side sticks; they aren’t interconnected between the captain and the co-pilot. So when you move one side stick, the other one doesn’t move.

If the captain pushes full down and the co-pilot pulls full back, the inputs cancel each other out.

The yokes on Boeing aircraft move together, so it does give you an idea what the other guy is doing when they’re flying.

Do you have a question about something related to the pointy end of an airplane? Ask Kent and maybe he’ll use it for next Friday’s Plane Answers feature.

Expedition to the Center of the World…Through the “North Pole Opening”! Wha?

Next spring, Kentucky-based physicist/ futurist Brooks Agnew will clamber aboard the Russian icebreaker Yamal in the port of Murmansk and sail into the polar sea just beyond Canada’s Arctic islands. He and his team of support crew are planning what they call “the greatest geological expedition in history.”

Is this vending-machine visionary searching for Arctic oil reserves? Will this green energy savior be hunting for evidence of climate change? Nope. He and a team of 100 fellow explorers will be seeking a fog-shrouded hole in the Arctic Ocean that leads to the center of the Earth, where he believes a civilization of at least 8 major races and 200 minor races is living inside the Earth.

According to Agnew, “Everest has been climbed a hundred times. The Titanic has been scanned from stem to stern. [But] this is the first and only expedition to the North Pole opening ever attempted.”

The idea of a hollow earth is thousands of years old. Over time, many people — from Sir Edmond Halley, to Athanasius Kircher, to David Standish — have pushed this theory. Essentially, Agnew argues that the earth has two undiscovered openings — holes near each of the poles — that connect the outer Earth with an interior realm. You can see a picture of one opening here and get more details about the openings here.

While he insists the journey has a genuine scientific purpose, Mr. Agnew says the expedition will include experts in meditation, mythology, and UFOs, as well as a team of documentary filmmakers. If you’re interested in going, there is an application process to complete, but if you’re successful, the trip is free. If you want to learn more about Agnew before you complete the application, check out this interview.

[Via GO]