An Organ Played by the Sea

Located on the sparkling shores of the Adriatic Sea in Zadar, Croatia — home of what Alfred Hitchcock once called “the most beautiful sunset in the world” — lies the one and only pipe organ designed to be played by the sea. Built in 2005, this unique structure utilizes the rolling sea and strong, unsystematic winds to create a majestic and completely random sound that is never the same twice.

According to an article on, “Each organ pipe is blown by a column of air, pushed in turn by a column of wave-moved water, through a plastic tube immersed into the water.” The end result ends up sounding a bit like this. [.mp3]

Interested in visiting what Lonely Planet calls “one of the most beautiful parts of Europe?” Head to your local bookstore and pick up the 4th edition of Croatia, released in March of 2007.

Update: This isn’t the only sea organ in the world (sorry!) — there’s another one in San Francisco. (Thanks Oana!)

[Via A Welsh View]