Video: Vietnam Traveling

So Viet” from Aquil’tour on Vimeo.

I came across this video on Vimeo by user Aquil’tour and felt transported to Vietnam in a way so authentic, I wanted to share. Vietnam’s long and narrow geography makes its landscape and climate dramatically varied. This video features much of what Vietnam is famous for as well as some of the less-recognized attributes of the country. Chaotic motorbikes, outdoor gyms, water sports, canoeing, farming, and gorgeous scenery make me happy to have found this gem on Vimeo. It’s Vietnam traveling captured on video and delivered just right.

Photos of Vietnam by Brian Kelley

Some beautiful photos of Vietnam recently caught my eye. Taken by Brian Kelley, these shots relay to viewers the journey he and nine other skateboarders were on when they traveled through Vietnam (as well as Myanmar, Cambodia, and Thailand) as a part of a project called Visual Traveling.

The Vietnam series, which can be found on Brian Kelley’s website, contains photos that are each examples of a thousand words being crammed into a single still. Motorcycles, lush landscape, small children, and rippling water come together in this short but sweet series to convey this Vietnam experience to anyone with interested eyes. These photos are expertly done and, on top of that, they have, effectively, fostered my already-growing desire to visit this gorgeous country.
