Tonight, things are quiet here in Tampa. Just the clicking from my computer keyboard and some light music plays, but in the distance, some 300 miles away, I hear reggaeton, salsa, hip-hop and feel the pulse of Miami. It rests in my thoughts and tomorrow night I will do it BIG! I’ll take to the streets like the most untamed tourist, belting out lyrics from classic G. Estefan songs and when I’ve exhausted myself I’ll tuck myself in for B.E.D.
That’s right I’m going to B.E.D. for the first time ever. Should I be excited? I don’t know. Going to B.E.D. in Miami wasn’t part of my original plans which were basically no plans other than a wedding I must attend, but I’m game for the concept restaurant where the dinner, dessert and drinks are all served in beds throughout the establishment. Located in the heart of South Beach at 929 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, FL, B.E.D. has been known to attract a slew of celebrities and aspiring young, beautiful people from around the globe. Certainly sounds a little high-profile for a sheepish blogger like myself. Perhaps I should just stay in my hotel bed, eh?
So what do you say? To go to B.E.D. or not to? That is the question? (If not, feel free to toss out some rec’s please.)