D.C.’s Flowers Blooming Already

When the flowers bud and bloom months before the their scheduled dates the weather system is surely out-of-wack and what a big bummer it must be for those who make the trip to D.C. to see these perennials. From the sound of this Washington Post piece, the cherry blossom trees are still holding tight, but the rosebud or winter cherry which resembles the cherry blossom is blooming as if spring was in full-effect. Other planet varieties showing their colors well before they should include the yellow blossoms on the forsythia bushes.

Anyone seriously planning a trip around D.C.’s cherry blossom trees and annual festival are probably watching the weather everyday in high hopes that the flowers will do what the normally do when they should, but with Mother Nature who is to say what really happens. This year’s festival is scheduled to kick off March 31-April 15, but if things stay as is, visitors might want to plan ahead for a quick trip out there beforehand.