Like yesterday’s pick, here’s another guidebook series that I’m not going to review because I haven’t had a chance to look at it yet. Actually, Neil first told us all about this series when it was launched last fall. MTV’s travel guides first hit bookshelves last fall, published in partnership with Frommers. The latest title was released earlier this year: MTV Roadtrips U.S.A. is a detailed tribute to roadtripping across America, courtesy of the reality-tv-lovin’ music video generation.
This collection of road trips is organized by themes, with a slew of suggested itineraries: visits to wine festivals in Virginia, Bonnaroo in Tennessee, Jersey Shore excursions, a Vegas to Baja getaway and a Southern BBQ roadtrip are just some of the cruising suggestions offered in this team-written guide for trendy young travelers. Sounds like it is a hefty guide at 800+ pages, so you may just want to poke through it for ideas at the library or your favorite bookstore.