Cinnabon-tinged air. Mumbled overhead announcements. And a few hundred weary strangers by your side.
Now that’s romantic.
But that’s probably what Robyn Moore must’ve gotten when she arranged an impromptu wedding for her fiance, William Acosta, at the Corpus Christi International Airport.
He arrived on his flight from Toledo, Ohio, wearing jeans and a sweater, and clutching his carry-on bags. She greeted him, wearing a wedding gown and accessorized by a justice of the peace.
They said their “I do”s right there in the terminal, surrounded by some family and the travelers who were nearby. Official photos were taken near the Christmas tree at a security checkpoint.
The two had already picked up a marriage license last week, with the idea of getting married before the end of the year — except they didn’t know where or when.
Why an airport? They had been dating long distance between Texas and Ohio for a year and a half. Moore figured an airport wedding was appropriate, considering they had spent so much time during their relationship in airports.