The world’s largest atom smasher, the Large Hadron Collider, could be the first machine capable of causing matter to travel backwards in time. Vanderbilt University physicists are now armed with what they believe is the ability to prove the unprovable, the potential to jump into a fifth dimension.
It’s the latest theory of Professor Tom Weiler and graduate fellow Chui Man Ho that using the Large Haldron Collider is key.
“One of the major goals of the collider is to find the elusive Higgs boson: the particle that physicists invoke to explain why particles like protons, neutrons and electrons have mass. If the collider succeeds in producing the Higgs boson, some scientists predict that it will create a second particle, called the Higgs singlet, at the same time.” reports Vanderbilt’s research news.
Weiler and Ho thing these singlets should have the ability to jump into an extra, fifth dimension where they can move either forward or backward in time and reappear in the future or past.
“One of the attractive things about this approach to time travel is that it avoids all the big paradoxes,” Weiler said. “Because time travel is limited to these special particles, it is not possible for a man to travel back in time and murder one of his parents before he himself is born, for example. However, if scientists could control the production of Higgs singlets, they might be able to send messages to the past or future.”
Hey, it’s a start.
Flickr photo by alancleaver_2000